Showing posts with label aboriginal business Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aboriginal business Australia. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Look no further than the Supply nation for your business expansion requirements

Supply nation has  been and is the largest , free and verified database of indigenous businesses . They are into it for a long time now. The venture started as a part of supplier diversity program. The people were looking to include the underrepresented sections of the society in the business sectors. Thus the Supply nation emerged as a platform for the indigenous businesses to get listed and find suppliers and customers on the platform. The process of getting listed involves filling out the form that does not take more than fifteen minutes and then the aboriginal or the Torres descent form has to be uploaded . Then the verification process takes another four days and finally the business is listed. There are two types of listings , the one is registration which is for non corporate businesses and other is certification for corporate businesses.

The businesses after listing become the members of the Supply nation database , which means that they have access to the tools and training of the Supply nation .Let us consider a case study , what is it that stops a business from expanding , of course the lack of customers . The customers of Australia are demanding ones , they expect a lot from the companies that do business with them. They simply want the finest quality products for themselves. The way the indigenous businesses can achieve fine quality products is through product development. Good quality products require good quality components . There are the suppliers who supply good quality components , there are lot of these suppliers who are in fact waiting to get hold of the customers , it is not that they do not have customers , but their capacity of production is greater than the customer  base that they cater to. The supply chain has to be streamlined . The Supply nation database itself has many suppliers that can cater to each other because the customer for one is the supplier for the other . Local indigenous organizations help with pushing the local indigenous businesses for the listing on the Supply nation.  

It is not just the indigenous businesses that are finding partners amongst themselves, but the indigenous businesses are actively partnering with the businesses that are not indigenous. These moves of the indigenous businesses help them get new customers and open up to new markets. The opening of new vistas for the businesses is something that every business desires, but it is only through tools like the supply stream that the businesses can prosper. The supply stream gives in real time the number of the suppliers that are engaging in the business. The indigenous business are the ones that stand to gain immensely from the tool supply stream that connects them in real time to the suppliers and the transactions are all digital. There are number  of ways that the indigenous organizations can benefit from tools like these . They have to focus on cutting down the costs and improving the quality even as they expand into new markets. That is the  way in fact they can expand into new markets.

The partnerships with the non indigenous businesses can be beneficial to the indigenous businesses are these partnerships are called the first nationbusiness partnerships. The first nation business partnerships can be the real makers of the indigenous businesses and can help them modernize and prosper , taking them to the newer heights of success.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Supply nation is the facilitator of aboriginals who are set to be entrepreneurs of new age

aboriginal business Australia

Supply Nation is the facilitator of new-age aboriginal entrepreneurs who wish to make a mark with their enterprises. The supply nation helps them get the springboard that gets them to the next stage in their endeavors. The supply nation understands that years of neglect and indifference to the aboriginal community has led to a stagnation in their economic and social standing in Australian society. That needed to change, the aboriginal community was no less talented and creative and that has been proved with the efforts of both the aboriginal community and the supply nation.  If there is an aboriginal business Australia based, then it can simply register itself with the supply nation and then follows the process of verification of the credentials of the business, which takes up to four days. Then the aboriginal business has access to a host of tools that enable the aboriginal business to explore ways to expand with help coming from multiple quarters. They can get customers and suppliers who are essential for the expansion of the aboriginal business.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Supply nation is the one stop shop for the aboriginal businesses to connect to the wider world

Supply Nation Logo
Supply nation has its origins in the supplier diversity movements during the Presidency of Richard Nixon in the United States of America . The movement spread to Australia as well and there were slew of legislations that provided the legal shield to the proposition of the existence of a supplier diversity for aboriginal businesses . There was also a legislation for the Indigenous Procurement Policy to support the businesses of the Aboriginals and the Torres strait people . The supply nation is at the forefront of making the aboriginals and the Torres strait people businesses a success story , and there have been plenty of success stories as well. There is one company owned by an aboriginal individual that partnered with the Indigenous business Australia engaged in financial services , they partnered with the latter providing the finances and some of the orders as well ,and it was a win-win situation for both the companies . 
Supply Nation Awards

Supply nation is the one stop shop for all aboriginal and Torres strait businesses that want to reap rich harvest leveraging the technology ,  the reach and the mentoring of the businesses by the supply nation . There are tons of benefits of registering with the supply nation. The registration takes just fifteen minutes and the subsequent admission as a member takes not more than four days that involves verification and audit by the people at the supply nation. Being a part of supply nation means being a part of  the Australia’s largest indigenous business directory and the membership is all free. The member gets the benefits of the legislated indigenous procurement policy .

The supply nation is the facilitator of the success of the aboriginal business Australia based.

Supply Nation makes the difference in the matters of making money with indigenous businesses

  Supply Nation is the largest verified online indigenous business directory . In fact, Supply nation is more than a directory. There are a ...